Page name: Heavens Hell [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-05-03 21:04:46
Last author: Earoluim
Owner: Earoluim
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Heavens Hell

Welcome to the war of the ages.Where there is no longer a neutral and the forces of good and evil have teamed together to stop the greatest plauge of the centuries.

The Powers of 3

In the day in age of the Modern world , ages of old and new collide.The forces that hold the earth in place are in ruin.Neutral, once the gaurdian of the powers now lays in infection.The purest of evils is the cause and effect. The powers of Good And Evil are intertwined to each other . Without one the other can not exist . They have joined forces to correct the impurity of the red.Here are the accounts of the greatest Battle of the Ages.

Now it Is time for you to decide the force you will choose to fight for.


The Power of 1
White Alliance

The Power of 2
Black Alliance

The Power of 3
Red Alliance

Ancient Power


Rouge Ships

Chapter 1

The Age

Chapter 2

Scorging of souls

Chapter 3 Begins

Capter 3: Soulforges

Battle grounds of Kar estan

Maps of Gracen

Other worlds of reach

Heavens Hell chat This is the chat page, please bring all nonsensical conversation here. Thanks.

Character Scorging:This is your character's entrance into the world.

Charcter Races:What you can and can't be.

Armory and Inventory: What you character can start with.

pre-made characters

Visit this site please.Azlyn's Fans
this sight needs visiting please .Black Is As Innocent As white

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